Approved Universities

Frequently Asked Questions

Most Common Questions asked by students.
1Finding flat?
Go to or OR you can just contact our WhatsApp Number or E-mail Address and we will help and advice.
2Health Insurance?
You can register and find all the information on
3Visa Cost
E-waiver = £30
Language course for 1 year = £512
Foundation Year = £705
BA for 3 Years = £1380
MA for 1 Year = £900
* All the cost all predictable and not exact.
4Rail Card?
Railcard is a discount card for all trains through the UK and will give you up to 20% discount.
You can apply either at a train Station for one year (£30) or via or their APP for up to 3 years (£70)
5Open Bank Account?
You can open an account in any bank you just need:
Approve of address e.g. Electricity bill or Tenancy agreement
Document from your school or University
Visa (BRP)
6Council Tax?
When you receive the council tax bill you have to get a document from your university or school states that you are a full-time student then take the bill and the document to the nearest city council to confirm your status.
7Police Registration?
Book an appointment to register on the police each time you renew your visa or move house.
Regular Scholarship = £1900
Merit Scholarship = £2850
* Received on 20th of each month

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